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Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.] 2n7ob9fMaguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.] Oghp5k
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 Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.]

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Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.] Empty
PostSubject: Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.]   Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 08, 2009 3:48 pm

NAME: Bakuyaku Maguma
AGE: 20

Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.] PipClub
While in combat or preparing for combat, he wears a camo green suit scarf and hat. When wearing this, his face is almost completely covered excluding his right eyeball.

Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.] Hellsing_alucard01s_thumb1
in a casual setting, Baku wears a large red cloak and hat with yellow sunglasses. He has long black hair that is usually under his hat and a very chiseled features.

RANK: Jounin
ELEMENTS: Earth, Fire
SPECIALTIES: Ninjutsu, Medical
SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS: Can combine his elements and make Youton, specializes in animal manipulation.

- Bugs
- Clothing
- Shopping
- Water
-The color blue
- Speed
-His left eye
- his Hair
- Junk food

Baku acts exactly the way he looks, like a total charmer. He can always be found checking out the local women, although they usually don't like him due to his abusive behavior. He is an ego maniac, but still has a mutual level of respect for high ranking ninja. Whenever an argument heats up, he usually backs down and avoids a fight.

FAMILY: Adopted parents currently living in Kiri.


Pre- Academy:
Before the Academy, Baku was a street urchin. He didn't have a home, and he didn't ever know when his next meal would be. Most of his childhood was like this, he was dumped on the streets when he was two and never really knew his family. After wandering to Kiri, he met a family there that was willing to take him in. His Foster parents were of the Musami clan. In the next few years, his best friend was Zakuza, although he was only a baby. One day, a tragedy occurred and Prince Zakuza murdered his mother and fled the village. ON that fateful night Baku made an oath, an oath to find Zakuza, and find the truth.

Baku knew from Zakuza's impulsive personality, that the first thing he would look for would be power. Power to outmatch any know ninja in the world. Knowing this, Baku sent out to become a powerful ninja himself. The first step in his goal was obviously to learn what a ninja is and what he had to do to become one, thus he enrolled in the academy. He was number one in his class and got all the girls in his short time in the academy.

Genin Arc:
After graduating the academy, Baku felt like an entirely different man. He felt as if nothing could stop him, like he were a god, and it showed in his personality.ALthough he was cursed with the misfortune of having a all male team, his bad luck didn;t end there. When he was out on a mission near snow country, his sensei finally showed his
homicidal side. AS they were trudging threw snow, his Sensei ordered an immediate halt as his plan unraveled. It would seem that before hand, THey had been rigged with explosives that activated on the sensei's command. Before their sensei could activate it, there was a blur of black lightning as the murder's head was sliced off. THe blur was Z and Z offered Baku power, if he could kill his comrades. Baku agreed and Z watched the bloody messwith a grin on his face.

Chuunin Arc:
Baku's B-ranked days were spent in moon country, blending with the civilians, but sneaking off for training sessions with Z to acquire the promised power. One day, as they met for training, Z decided to strike another deal with Baku. " Become my minion forever, and I can promise you, we'll have the world, and you'll have your own kingdom." He whispered to him. After a week of thinking, Baku finally agreed to sign a deal with the devil, awaiting his promised land.

Jounin Arc:
Baku's power grew and grew as he trained with Z for years and years. Eventually he decided he need a trump card to gain even more power, like Z's black lightning. Z agreed to help him and said that his training would soon be over. After a long period of trial and error, Baku eventually gained the ability to combine the Fire and earth elements to create magma. Z was satisfied with his pupils work and declared him ready for his reward.


RP EXPERIENCE: Hmmm, less then a year.
I am Z, Love me Razz

Last edited by Z on Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:16 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.]   Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2009 7:01 pm


Questions twirled through Z’s head as he tossed and turned in the confines of his lair. His dreams were haunted with memories, regrets, and mindless thoughts. Z was going insane and his mind was boiling down little by little every night. He couldn’t stop thinking of something, but he wasn’t quite sure what he was thinking of. ‘Is it something I ate… saw... dreamed?’ He thought as he rustled restlessly around his bed.

His arms sweat and his head ached as he fell deeper and deeper into the demonic visage he was having. “NO…. Brother... Father?” He murmured in his sleep. Almost as if he was being controlled by a puppeteer, Z crawled out of his bed and stood upwards, limping towards the armory that he kept his weapons in. IN a matter of minutes he was completely armed and seemingly ready for combat.

After dressing, Z lunged for the large metal chest in which he kept his prized possessions. After rummaging through it a bit, he withdrew a large dusty scroll from a small compartment hidden in the bottom. Snapping out of his trance, Z studied the familiar parchment. “The scroll from my father’s tomb! This must be a sign that it’s time to open it…” He gulped as he sat back onto his bed.

Wiping beads of sweat from his forehead, Z dusted off the large scroll. Upon opening it, He realized that it wasn’t just a normal parchment. It was much too complex to be made simply, and it had little words. The only phrase of words that were literate were scrawled on the top of the page. “To my dear sons.” Z read aloud. “Is this some kind of joke? This thing is useless….
Maybe….” Z said as he pulled his top hat off his back and coughed a circle of blood onto it.

After a small ruffling noise, Tiberius, Z’s faithful companion came jetting out. “What is it boy?” Tiberius yawned. “I need you to take a look at this, I found it under my fathers gravestone... can you make any sense of it?” Z asked as he laid the scroll onto the floor. Tiberius’s eyes opened wide as he eyeballed the paper. “This…… I know of this….” He sighed.

“You know what about it?” Z inquired. “Your dad… He wrote this when he was hiding from the enemy that took his life…. Now that I think of it… that enemy was… a missing ninja….. Anyways, this is a scroll with multiple seals on it. If you look, there are numbers next to the 5 spots. You must press your stone against a seal to open it…” Tiberius said slowly.

Z hadn’t noticed the quite obvious numbers next to each circle and felt stupid for not noticing. “Well, lets do number one then...” He sighed as he placed his palm into the paper. The paper flashed and a large paper with letters hastily scrawled onto it came flying out. Picking up the paper, Z started to read aloud.

“Hello son, whichever this may be. These are my last words, my last thoughts, and my last wishes. Right now I am hiding, hiding from my death. I had just been sent on a quest, to capture the bijuu, but so soon my quest is over. As I neared the area one was spotted, an…” Z read and stopped, “Akatsuki member found and attacked me, and he is the causer of my death. NO not him, AKATSUKI! Those vile fiends will stop at nothing to obtain the power of the bijuu. MY last request… is that you stop them... destroy the Akatsuki, secure the bijuu... in the next seals are all you’ll need to do so… so long my beloved son, and good luck.” Z read quickly. A moment of silence came across the room as Z stared at the paper.

Finally, he laid it down as a tear rolled down his face. “So boy, what will you do? Will you get the bijuu for Akatsuki, or against it?” Tiberius asked silently, “I’ll help you either way...”. “……. I remember that promise that I made on that faithful night that I left the village. I will enter Akatsuki as nobody, but become a some body…. I will be powerful for Akatsuki... all the oaths that I have taken to this organization, over power my father….. So long dad... I don’t need you...” Z murmured as he picked up the paper and activated the 2nd seal. The second seal flashed and expelled a montage of smaller seals and two more notes.

Picking up the note, Z started to read, this time to himself. ‘Good, you are taking on my request, please don’t fail me son. Now, each of these smaller seals are very powerful, each one can make a bijuu bend to your will if it is placed on its forehead. SO all you have to do is stick one of these on their heads, pretty simple. Good luck son.’ He read in his mind. “Well Tiberius, lets go!” Z said as he put the scroll back in its place and grabbed a single seal.

As Z ran out of the base, he started to look at the second note. “A list of Bijuu.” He read aloud as he scanned through it. “Kure-n, ice bijuu should live in this area according to father. “ Z said as he ran out into the frosty terrain of Iron country, with Tiberius on his back. A few hours later, Z found himself resting on top of a large mountain, over looking most of Iron country.

“Where is this thing?” He asked himself. Suddenly, heard a low voice in his head whispering, “Don’t use your eyes only, use your mind...” It whispered.
‘Use my mind…’ Z thought. Overlooking the landscape again, a thought came to Z. ‘If this thing is a powerful ice user, it would make sense for there to be a blizzard around it! Like my electricity!’ He realized. Next to a large cave, Z spotted an area where the snow seemed to move a lot faster and wilder. ”There’s my man.” He smirked as he took off towards it.

Z almost tripped as he raced towards the blizzard in excitement. In no time, Z was overlooking the blizzard on a much smaller mountain. Looking into it, Z saw the figure of a large bird and smiled, “There’s that bastard.” He laughed. Deciding that he couldn’t go near it until the blizzard was gone; Z pulled out a scroll from his pack and streaked blood across it.

After a small puff of smoke, Z was standing on Welcro, Tiberius’s daughter. “Welcro honey, would you mind helping uncle Z defeat this thing?” Z asked her. “Ummm, ok uncle Z!” She replied as she flew up into the air.
“OK, lets both shoot at the same time, to overpower this overgrown chicken!” Z said as he charged his hands with electricity.

“ON the count of Z! X,Y,Z!” Z yelled as he shot an immensely strong ray of lightning from his hands towards the creature. Welcro shot at the same time and the electrical rays combined into a huge blast of lightning. The lightning zoomed at the creature, but missed as it darted up into the air.

“Well, this is going to be funnier then I thought!” Z laughed, “Charge again Welcro honey!” This time Z made some hand seals and pulled a ball of chains from his pack. As Welcro fired, Z threw the chain ball into the ray and sent it flying towards the bird. “It’s over you stupid creature.” Z snickered as the ray missed. Right as the ray passed threw the eye of the blizzard, the chain ball leaped towards the bird.

When the ball was about an inch away from its target, it unraveled and sent chains around the bird, grappling it and choking it into submission as it plummeted towards the ground. Z followed the falling bird and leaped towards it with the seal in his hand. AS soon as the bird hit the ground, Z smacked the seal onto its forehead and watched it squirm a big more before it settled down. “Hmmm, so did it work…? Hey bird, follow me.” Z said as his chains returned to him.

The bird shook its head before walked over to Z and standing next to him. “Hmm, nice dad, nice.” Z laughed as he jumped on Welcro and flew back towards base. Although it didn’t seem to want to, the bijuu flew into a quick pace behind him.

When Z entered the base with the large bird, He saw his fellow Akatsuki members eyes open with shock. “Where’d that overgrown vermin come from?” X asked him. “Now is no time for stories, just help me secure this thing in the basement lair next to my room. Hesitating a bit, X nodded and fell into line behind the bijuu.

Z had originally kept this titanium padded room just incase Tiberius had anymore abnormal children, but the humongous room seemed almost perfectly fitting for this purpose. As Z and X climbed down the stairs, Z started to stroke the creatures head, ‘Maybe this thing is friendlier then I would like to believe.’ He guessed.

Once the bijuu was safely inside the room, Z locked the door and turned to X. “Tell everyone not to worry about this thing, it won’t hurt anyone.” He said as he went back into his room. Sighing, Z walked over to his bed and laid down. Too exhausted to take his armor off, Z fell into a deep sleep. His nightmare this time was worse than the one before his bijuu quest. IT was full of visions of his own death and horrible futures.

“Son, you’ve failed me...” He heard as a large figure entered into his sub conscious. “ Father? Why are you here?!” Z screamed in his sleep. “I never thought that I would want to strangle my own son... where did I go wrong with you children… You were both born so good, but died so evil… Why Zakuza, why?” The figure asked. “Father… you had no influence on my life... let me re-phrase that... you are the cause of this... After your death, Mother became the worst influence in my life... Which drove me down my dark path; you are the reason for this... I will no longer blame myself, it was YOU! I never had a father figure in my life… all because of you and your stupid bijuu hunting… why did you do this, and then lie to me about your death... I was told you died from having three stones!”

“Did I ever say that? I would’ve never laid to you my dear son... I wanted the bijuu.. So that I could save the world from their destructive power... in the fourth seal in my scroll, is a banishment scroll that will banish the bijuu to a special spot in hell... use it if you want... I just have one parting word for you son…” The man whispered to Z. “What father?” Z replied. “ Die!” The man said as he disappeared.

Z darted up in his bed, his body sweaty and his arms shaking. Walking over to his armory to get undressed, Z started to mutter a low sob. Z had never felt worse in his life, when he killed his mom, or his brother, couldn’t compare to the despair he felt now. Z’s low sob turned to a low pitched moan as he lay back in his bed. After a few seconds of tossing and turning, Z decided that he couldn’t sleep like that and walked next door the bijuu room and slept in front of the door, in front of the thing that tore his family apart.


Last edited by Z on Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.]   Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2009 7:02 pm




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PostSubject: Re: Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.]   Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2009 7:13 pm



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PostSubject: Re: Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.]   Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2009 7:15 pm

Clan Jutsu:



Name: Rapier
Appearance: A moderate sized rapier with a hilt that has rubies studded all over it. The blade is thin yet strong and has a layer of thin diamond coating it.
Rank: D
Special Abilities: N/A
Origin: ( not really needed..)

Name: Whip
Appearance: about the same description as the rapier, except with a whip.
Rank: D
Special Abilities: N/A
Origin: ( not really needed..)

Name: Sheild
Appearance: about the same description as the rapier, except with a sheild, also, their is a big Z in the middle of it.the shield is about 3 feet in diameter,
Rank: D
Special Abilities: N/A
Origin: ( not really needed..)
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Kumo Jounin

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PostSubject: Re: Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.]   Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 3:48 pm

Approved; welcome to Kumo~ <3
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PostSubject: Re: Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.]   Maguma, Bakuyaku. [J, Sōki.] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 3:49 pm

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