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 Maguma. [Z]

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Posts : 84
Join date : 2009-06-28
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PostSubject: Maguma. [Z]   Maguma. [Z] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 08, 2009 5:53 pm

Name: Maguma

Kekkei Genkai: By utilizing the Fire and earth elements in unison, the user is able to combine them to make Magma. Members of this clans skin are able to withstand the high heats of magma, so it can touch their skin, without consequence. Clan members also have the ability to manipulate the magma around them like a liquid or wind.

Secret Clan Jutsu:

Name: Magma Style: Lava Encasing

Rank: C-S

Type: Ninjutsu

Element: Youton

Description:This jutsu has both a defensive and offensive purpose. When used defensively, The lava wraps around the user and forms around their skin, creating a 'barrier' of magma. This barrier can withstand most elemental attacks of equal rank, however, water would make the magma become solidified and cause it to shell off.
When used offensively, this jutsu can cover the opponent in magma and burn them to a crisp.

Name: Magma Style: Spiraling Lava Serpent

Rank: A

Type: Ninjutsu

Element: Youton

Description: By utilizing the lava element, the user can make a large serpent made of magma. This serpent lasts one post and has superior manueverabilty compared to the other element versions of this jutsu.

Name: Magma Style: Magma Tendrils

Rank: B-S

Type: Ninjutsu

Element: Youton

Description: The user of this jutsu grows tentacles made out of pure Magma from their back. These tentacles can be used for anything they are put to use to, they are usually the body length of the user. The number of tentacles that the user creates grows as the user gets stronger (B-rank,2 A-rank,4 S-rank,6). This jutsu doesn't hold take more chakra the more you hold it. Instead it takes the chakra and then sustains itself for a set period of time (5 turns).

Name: Magma Style: Eruption

Rank: C

Type: Ninjutsu

Element: Youton

C-Rank-By using the magma element, the user slams the ground with a foot and a wall of magma will burst up that completely surrounds the user. The wall is about 6 feet high and makes a short burst before pooling on the ground underneath the user.

Major Eruption(B-rank)- By using the magma element, the user can create a lava stream under the earth that can be moved around before exploding into a violent eruption. This eruption, is 10 feet high and erupts at high speeds, so predicting that it's coming is extremely difficult.

Explosive Eruption(A-rank)- By using the magma element, the user can create a lava stream under the earth that can be moved around before exploding into a violent eruption. This eruption, is 15 feet high and is 10 feet in width and erupts at high speeds, so predicting that it's coming is extremely difficult.

Zinister Eruption(S-rank)- By using the magma element, the user can create a lava stream under the earth that can be moved around before exploding into a violent eruption. This eruption, is 20 feet high and is 20 feet in width and erupts at high speeds, so predicting that it's coming is extremely difficult.

Name: Magma Style: Lava Slime

Rank: B

Type: Ninjutsu

Element: Youton

Description: By using the magma element, the user can create a blob of lava that is about 5 feet tall and 3 feet in width. This is almost like a summoning, yet it isnt. The lava slime is under the control of the user and can be used to activate other jutsu from.

Name: Magma Style: Magma Pool
Rank: C-S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Youton
Description: By utilizing the lava element, and a few handsigns, a ninja strikes the ground and causes magma to seep up and fill an area with a pool of magma. The created magma pool's size and depth differs according to rank:

C: May be a size of 5ft with a 3ft depth at any point
B: May be a size of 10ft with a 5ft depth at any point
A: May be a size of 25ft with a 10ft depth at any point
S: May be a size of 50ft with a 15ft depth at any point

Name: Magma Style: Magma Bubbles
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Youton
Description: By utilizing the lava element, and a few hand signs, a ninja strikes a created magma pool and causes bubbles of magma to rise up from the pool. The number of bubbles created is equal to 5 per foot of width or depth given up from the magma pool. These bubbles inflict severe burns if touched and cause the same damage as a C Rank fire jutsu by being within 5ft of any single bubble due to their intense heat.

Name: Magma Style: Magma Heat Alteration
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Youton
Description: A ninja who uses Youton can place their hands onto a magma created object or pure magma and cause it to harden into stone. The stone takes the shape of the magma's shape. This jutsu lasts up to 3 posts, and may be released at any time during those 3 posts, causing the stone to turn back into magma. This does not require a hand sign to cause. If the created stone leaves the user's hand, it only lasts a few seconds before reverting back into magma.

Name: Magma Style: Fountain of Death
Rank: C-S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Youton
Description: By utilizing the lava element, and a few hand signs, a ninja strikes a created magma pool and causes the magma to slowly build up tension beneath its surface. This has no immediate effect but the post after being used (+1 post rank of the jutsu) or is ended prematurely with a longer length, the magma explodes into a fountain that incinerates anything within 1/2 the pool's depth around any exterior point on the pool.

History: Years past through Baku's ninja days and he didn't feel fulfilled. He felt as if something was missing. He had the strength, the speed, all he need was a trump card, something that would help him win in against his opponents. Although he spent many nights pondering this, he couldn't think of anything, until he met Z. Z helped him, through trial and error, create his ability to withstand such heats and control the fearsome force know as magma. After varies training sessions with Z, he finally had his technique mastered. He asked Z if there was anything he could do to repay him, and Z just said, I'll call you when I need you.

Clan Symbol: A Flaming Z
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